Today was a professional development day and I was able to play around with my Ipad and test out different Ipad apps to use in the classroom. Our grade level has a cart of Ipads to sign out, and the sixth grade in our school is actually getting 1:1 Ipads. I'd love to get 1:1 Ipads someday but right now it's not a reality, so I have to make do with what I have.
Here is a list of the ones I found most useful:
Voice Thread:
Voice thread allows you to record voice and make notes about a video or snapshot. It really doesn't do anything that amazing, but it's the creative ways teachers are using it that makes it cool. I plan on having students take snapshots of their narrative essays, and record their voice reading it and making comments on it.
They will do this for all their major assignments throughout the year and at the end of the year they will have a 'digital portfolio', with all their pieces of work and voice recording explaining the work.
You could also use it for class discussion about text- but it would require all students have their own Ipad and email addresses. You could take a picture of the text and have students write comments as you read. Here's an edutopia article regarding more you can do with Voice Thread.
QR Reader:
This is a rather simple one that most people have heard of. You can embed a code into a certain QR, then have students scan the QR code with the Ipad and it will go directly to the link/video/website that the QR links to.
This isn't much different than just giving kids the website or directions to find the video, but it's much easier and avoids the headache of students not typing in the address right, not following directions, etc.
You could do a scavenger hunt of QR codes around the room/school and have students do a sort of 'mobile' web quest.
Show Me:
Basically another avenue to annotate and record over pictures and/or diagrams. The only thing is you can only work with one 'slide' as opposed to many pages. This would work well if you wanted to record yourself doing a math problem in action or explaining a concept to students. You don't have to remember what you said each time, you can just record the notes and the conversation.
You can just this for white board notes and not have to re-write the notes for every class. This might be a good tool for teachers who teach in a lot of rooms.
If you have great Ipad apps and ideas that you are currently using in your classroom, please comment below! This is just a sampling of what I even did today...I know there are many more!
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